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Fire Evacuation Training

Fire Evacuation Procedures (Switch)

DD slash MM slash YYYY



For all employees and visitors to Switch Bar


In the unlikely event of a fire the following procedures must be followed.

If you discover a fire raise the alarm by pressing one of the red fire control points, Situated


End of Switch Bar

Switch DJ Box

End of Loft Bar

Loft DJ Box


Inform Duty Manager / Bars Supervisor / Door Staff of the incident and the location of the Fire

Door staff / Supervisor is to radio/phone Duty Manager and inform them of the situation


Tim McGrath - 07989677572

Mark Birt - 07896965675

Lewis – 07722472439

Beca - 07851176151


Duty Manager to dial 999 and ask for the fire services giving the exact location of the fire and the assembly point.


4-10 Scotswood Road

Newcastle Upon Tyne



Duty Manager should investigate the fire if safe to do so.

On advice from Duty Manager the DJ should.

Raise the Venues lights – Turn down the Music

And calmly ask all Customers to exit via the nearest Fire Exits situated at the front of switch and the rear of Switch

Back and Front stairs in the loft

Ask them to Leave there drinks behind and following directions from Door Staff




Then the DJ should make their way to the nearest exit and go to the staff assemble point at the national express bus station.

Bar staff should exit via the nearest exit and make their way to the national express bus station – do not go and collect any personal belonging!

Bars Supervisor is to take bar Plan on Exit to the assemble point to check all staff are accounted for!

Senior Door staff should assist the Duty Manager in securing the Tills

All Door staff should clear both venues as quickly as possible checking toilets and down stairs in the staff areas closing any doors behind them.


Once venue is clear door staff should make their way to Bank & Rusty’s

Senior door staff should secure the venue with the duty Manager. Then make their way to the fire assemble point.

Duty Manager should make a final check of the building if safe to do and await fire services.

No one is to enter the building until told to do so by the fire services.


Fire extinguishers


There is fire extinguishers location at

Switch DJ Box (C02)

Switch Bar (sink area) (Foam) & (C02)

Outside of Switch Office (C02)

Loft Bar (Foam) & (C02)

Loft DJ Box (C02)


These are to be used to aid your safe escape and should not be used to fight the fire in less you are trained to do so.

Should you need to use a fire extinguisher please remember


Water and Foam should not be used on electrical or oil fires

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